Tips On How To Be An Effective Communicator

If you want to be an effective communicator or presenter, here are three important communication tips you should know:

1. Speak With Passion And Enthusiasm
The problem with most presenters is they are too caught up with "presenting". They are too focused on trying to impart or present their messages; they forget the important elements of an effective presentation - passion and enthusiasm. These are two emotional factors which move and motivate the audience.

As they say. it is not what we know, but what we feel that makes us take action. Yes, I am talking about emotions. Remember the pain and pleasure principle? Everything  we do in our life is either to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure. For instance, we all know the importance of taking care of our health, but yet most of all simply ignore it, until the day we fall sick. It is only when we can feel the pain, discomfort or maybe even dying, then only we take action.

2. Speak Up And Straight To The Point
Do you know the most effective speakers are not because they are the smartest person around. But because they know what and how to communicate well. They talk in clear, simple, and concise language. Use short sentences, simple but powerful words to get your message across. Choose active voice and straight to the point.

3. Show "Anger In Your Voice"
At times, as a good communicator on presenter, he or she must must also know how to convey with "anger in his voice". For example, when you want to challenge a point or provoke your audience to take action, you need to sound "angry" to reinforce your message.