Improve Public Speaking With Extensive Vocabulary

One of the many ways to improve public speaking  is to improve your vocabulary.  To be precise, you need to have an extensive vocabulary

No doubt on this site, we talk about the various tips on public speaking. 

For instance know your audience well, overcoming the fear of public speaking phobia, how to prepare a speech, public speaking mistakes to avoid, and  so on.

But among all all these public speaking tips, there is one crucial advice which many public speaking lessons either overlook or assume that everybody has it. 

I am talking about  having an extensive vocabulary.

If want to improve public speaking and master the persuasive public speaking skills,  you need to have a powerful vocabulary. 

When you have a good vocabulary, you can articulate your ideas with ease and more accurately. 

The use of appropriate word or phrase is crucial to get the desired message across to your audience.

I am not talking about only knowing a whole gamut of big pompous word to impress. In public speaking, you are supposed to express your views or ideas with impact. 

So if you have an ample choice of words at your disposal, you will be more confident and you can drive home your point more accurately and effectively. 

You don't ramble and bored your listeners. You will know how to use the most appropriate words or phrases within the context of your speech.

Another advantage is one doesn't have to memorize words, which can  add more burden to those who are suffering from speech anxiety.

The problem is when you have a limited number of words or vocabulary at hand, you tend to use the same word or phrase all over the speech, even though that particular word or phrase might not be suitable in a different context. 

Your audience will know your weakness in vocabulary, when you struggle or fumble for words trying to express yourself. 

Some of the audience might end up prompting you with the appropriate word or phrase. 

Well, that will definitely shake your confidence and credibility.

So if you are serious about how to improve your public speaking skills, then it is time to work on your vocabulary. Build up a large and powerful vocabulary. 

One of the most effective ways is to read voraciously. It can be reading your daily papers to novels to magazines. 

Any kind of good reading materials. 

Not forgetting to get a good book of idioms and a thesaurus. Pursue words actively and become alert to words that you have overlooked in the past.

Other than the importance of a well-prepared speech, the power of your vocabulary can give you greater confidence in your public speaking skills. 

It will dramatically reduce your fear of public speaking phobia and will definitely improve your public speaking skills.[image]