3 Powerful Persuasive Speaking Tips You Might Like To Know

persuasive speaking tips

Do you know three powerful
persuasive speaking tips which are not commonly mentioned in most books or websites on presentation skills? Check them out now.

1. No Visual Aids Needed
I know and agree with the popular proverb, "A picture is worth a thousand words". 

It is definitely true that using relevant and visual aids appropriately can enhance your wordy presentation.

But at times, these visual aids are not necessary at all. 

When you have a a well-focus idea or a crystal-clear message, visual aids are not needed. 

The message is is clear and powerful enough to stand on its own, without the distraction of any image or visual. At times, just tell don't show is more effective.

2. Quality Content
I know most presenters or speakers are overly concerned with not having enough materials. 

As a result, they over-feed their audience with more than enough stuff. 

To the listeners, it can overwhelming or boring. Just three great ideas is enough. Remember, an audience has very short attention span.

In short, it is the quality of the content and not the quantity.

3. Curiosity Works
Apply the curiosity technique. Create and arouse your audience's interest. In other words, act like a magician. 

Don't let them know what you are going to present next. 

Never tell your audience the outline of your talk.

The element of surprise is important. 

Get them on the edge of their seats with the unexpected content. 

Make use of these three persuasive speaking tips in your next presentation and see the difference.