7 Vital Verbal Communication Skills You Need To Know

Do you know that to be proficient in verbal communication skills, you also need to keep your mouth shut at times? 

I am not talking about the pauses in your speech. 

I am saying about listening skills. It is one of the vital aspects of a good conversationalist or speaker.  

verbal communication skills

Let's check out my 7 valuable tips on verbal communication skills:      

1. When you articulate confidently, it shows you have a firm and astute grasp of the subject you are talking. In other words, it says you are an expertise. 

Well-paced speech together with an equally well-modulated voice.  

2. If you mumble in a low and slow voice, you will come across as nervous and probably do not know the subject well enough. 

Definitely it implies that you are unsure or lack of enthusiasm in what you are saying.  

3. For those of you who rush through your speech or presentation, your listeners may not be able to understand much what was said. 

They feel confused, lost and you have wasted their time. So is yours. 

Obviously it clearly shows you lack of speaking skills.   

4. The quality of your voice is one of the key factors of a good verbal communication skills. Four areas are tone, pitch, volume and clarity.  

5. Good pronunciation makes it easy to understand and pleasant. 

Here I suggest you listen and learn from good TV presenters, TV documentary narrators or radio announcers. 

Go for the so-called standard English accent.   

 6. Having a good vocabulary is important. 

As you know  words are powerful. 

Using appropriate words enhance your speech tremendously. Read to improve your vocabulary.

7. Be a good listener. Learn to listen carefully with not just your ears, but your eyes. 

Maintain eye contact. 

Nod accordingly and lean slightly towards the speaker. 

When you listen attentively, it shows you care and what the other person is important. 

The act of genuine listen builds rapport.